The Second Coming
Text: Mark 13: 24-37
Proposition: The assurance of the Second Coming of Christ has the assignment of being people who God will use because they were ready and watchful. Knowing means kneeling!
Introduction: It was more than a month ago since we last looked at the book of Mark. We had discussed that the prophecy Jesus spoke about addressed a time that would take place in the disciple’s lives and yet also looked way beyond that to the distant future, to things that are still yet to occur. You’ll remember that the scripture we are about to read occurs about two days before the crucifixion of Jesus. The disciples had just marveled about the seeming permanence and beauty of the Temple and Jesus had revealed to them the undoing of it all. In a few short sentences he had described not only the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD but also the coming of the antichrist, the ensuing tribulation period and plight of Israel in those times. Perhaps Jesus paused here just a moment to let the words sink in, perhaps He looked into their troubled expressions and then spoke these next words. What He is about to describe will be as profound as the events of gift bearing Magi approaching the wonder of the Incarnation, of humanity’s young virgin giving birth to the Son of God, of an unusual guiding star, of hosts of angels singing to God in the presence of the fringe dwelling shepherds. Two thousand years later and we’re still singing songs about that, we still remember the event and celebrate it, we still are in awe of what it means. As profound as that first coming of Jesus Christ is, the second coming of the Lord will be even more so. What carols do you think we’ll sing in heaven? It’s my guess that there are some yet to be written that will proclaim the anthem of the glory of Christ as He comes again, some will describe the people that saw it occur, some will describe the actions of the angels in that moment. Let’s briefly consider what Jesus said to the disciples just two days before His death on the cross, listen to the way that He knits two themes together, the assurance of His coming and the assignment for those who wait. Let’s read Mark 13:24-37.
I. The Assurance of His Coming Rests On the Attributes of God Almighty. Jesus speaks words of comfort to those who don’t even know that they are about to grieve. They don’t even realize that He is about to die and be buried and then to be resurrected and yet He describes to them His return. He describes to them a tribulation that is yet prophecy, equipping them with truth that is greater than what man might imagine will occur. He tells them that things will fall apart, even the church will stagger and stumble and yet He will not let it fall. He will not abandon us nor forsake us, He will come again and the certainty of that is underwritten by the very attributes of God Himself. Look at what He says, “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give it’s light; the stars of the heavens will fall and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.” That’s not only prophecy, it’s a promise. When I promise my kids something I try to do all in my power to follow through, but things can get in my way, things can happen that I didn’t fore see. That’s not the case with God, all of the attributes of Who He is underwrite the assurance of His promises. At the first coming in Bethlehem and at the cross in Jerusalem, there were phenomena such as irregular stars, solar eclipses, earthquakes. At the second coming there are similar signs, perhaps solar eclipses, perhaps meteor showers, perhaps spiritual earthquakes. What attributes of God would be required for such events to occur? Is it the Omnipotence of God that moves not only mountains but whole planets as He wills? A.W. Tozer in the book, The Knowledge of the Holy, wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Tozer goes on to say, “Man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God. Worship is pure or base as the worshipper entertains high or low thoughts of God.” How big is your God, how sure are His promises, how strong are His assurances? What will it take to shake or overthrow the powers in the heavens? Satan has been called the Prince of the power of the air, what attribute of God overthrows him? Is it God’s perfect wisdom that chooses His timing, is it the Holiness of God that is completely pure and without sin that overthrows and shakes the powers in the heavens? Is it the Sovereignty of God, His freedom to do what he deems best, is this what causes the sun and moon to be darkened and the stars to fall and the powers of evil in the heavenly realms to be shaken? The attributes of God underwrite His assurances. Let’s read on, look at verse 26, “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” The same thing is described in Daniel 7:13, in a vision Daniel saw what this moment will look like. Who do you think the word ‘they’ refers to? Is it only the select few like Daniel or is the ‘they’ all the world and all of Israel? Is Zechariah 12:10 fulfilled here, “And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for his only son…”. What attributes of God will cause Jesus to be revealed in such a wonderful and evident way? Is it His perfect justice that holds all in a place of accountability, is it that He never changes and what Daniel saw we too will see, is it the eternality of God, that He exists outside of time and thus can say with a certainty what will be. Is it the Mercy and Love of God that we would without a doubt know that this is the Jesus who said He would come again for us, that where He is so will we be? The attributes of God underwrite the assurances of God. One last verse, look at verse 27, “And then He will send His angels and gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven.” Certainly the attribute of God’s omniscience, that He knows where and who His elect are, is drawn upon. But the very fact that there is an ‘elect’ means He has exerted His justice and grace in setting them apart. His sovereign will causes it, His wisdom governs it, His love accomplishes it. The attributes of God even here are the foundation of His promises.
II. Since You Know These Things, Watch and Pray. All of the things that Jesus has just talked about are going to occur and the very attributes of God will ensure it is so. Just as it is evident to all when the figs are about to come so it should also be evident to the disciples of Christ when His kingdom is about to be revealed. He assures them that this generation will not pass away until these things take place, so the word generation here is being used to describe the entire family of Israel. The Jewish people are assured that they will endure and be there to see the coming of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The coming of the kingdom is of such a focus to Jesus that He says His words will never fade in their meaning and effect and the Father has already determined the timing for this to occur. So since you know these things this is what I want you to do:
1. Watch – this is not a passive word, it implies keeping alert, avoid falling asleep which in our culture can mean many things. It implies the need to be on guard for that which you have been entrusted with. That’s clear from the brief parable Jesus follows this with.
2. Pray – whether that’s ACTS (Adoration: Confession; Thanksgiving) or JOY (Jesus:Others;You) the assignment Jesus gives is that as you see these signs taking place that the kingdom is near…Pray.
Let’s just stand back from this passage a moment and ask ourselves, “Why would Jesus particularly stress these two words as the appropriate response for the days when the wheels will come off our world system?” When the kingdom is just about to be revealed, it is critical that we watch and pray. Why is that?
Is it possible that such a time will require people who can see through the smoke of world crisis and engineered dilemma? Is it possible that it is by watching and praying that we become people whom God can direct to His purposes? Is it possible that these will be uncharted waters that are only navigated by diligence in the Word, faith in the Lord and a dependence that only comes through unceasing prayer? Since these disciples would see the destruction of Jerusalem but not the final Tribulation, is it possible then that every day is really a time of uncharted water that calls for us to constantly watch and pray?
The greatest promise of God that has its foundation upon all the attributes of God is the cross of Christ and the forgiveness of our sin in Him. Be alert, don’t fall asleep, draw near to God in this truth and be available for Him to direct your steps in the readiness of His return.